Salmon Oil (Lachsöl) 50 ml (1 Piece)

Salmon Oil (Lachsöl)

Essential fatty acids taken from nature 1 Testimonials
These fatty acids are important for the composition of fur and skin, circulatory health, the immune system, brain activity and mobility and joi... read more
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
500 ml, 1 Piece € 41.48/l 20.74 €
50 ml, 1 Piece € 171.80/l 8.59 €
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Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
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Salmon Oil (Lachsöl) 50 ml (1 Piece)
Salmon Oil (Lachsöl) 50 ml (1 Piece)
Salmon Oil (Lachsöl) 50 ml (1 Piece)

Salmon oil is a natural source of good fatty acids. Contains the optimal blend of omega-3-, omega-6- and omega-9-fatty acids.


These fatty acids are important for

  • the composition of fur and skin,
  • circulatory health,
  • the immune system,
  • brain activity and
  • mobility and joint health.

of dogs and cats.

Salmon oil contains arachidonic acid which is not present in plant oils but is essential for cats. Arachidonic acid has proven most effective, even in solving problems affecting the fur and skin of pets.

Note: Changes to the diet

The taste of salmon oil is very well received among cats. A little salmon oil can help make it easier for cats to adjust to a new diet. Simply add a small spoonful of salmon oil to each meal.

Active ingredients

Omega 3: 24-26 %
Omega 6: 6%
Omega 9: 16-19%

Feeding recommendation

Weighing up to 10kg: ½ to 1 teaspoon
Weighing 10-25 kg: 1-2 teaspoons
Weighing 25-50kg: 2-3 teaspoons

Salmon oil can be administered without exact consideration of measurements.


100 % salmon oil

Ingredient profile

0 % raw protein, 0 % raw fibre, 100 % raw oils and fats, 0 % crude ash

Best before

The oil may solidify when stored at cooler temperatures. This is a natural process which is reversed when the oil is warmed up.

Product information

Nutritional supplement for dogs and cats
500ml bottle
50ml tester packet



100 % Lachsöl

Analytische Bestandteile

0 % Rohprotein, 0 % Rohfaser, 100 % Rohöle und -fette, 0 % Rohasche

Aktive Inhaltsstoffe

Omega 3: 24-26 %
Omega 6: 6 %
Omega 9: 16-19%

Feeding recommendation


Gewicht bis 10 kg: ½ bis 1 Teelöffel
Gewicht 10-25 kg: 1-2 Teelöffel
Gewicht 25-50 kg: 2-3 Teelöffel

Lachsöl kann unbedenklich zugefüttert werden.


Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Hunde und Katzen
Flasche mit 500ml
Testpackung mit 50ml

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Fit and agile - there's always room for improvement! Dear Anifit team, Basically, I never had the feeling that my cat Caspian had "a problem"... cats sleep a lot... and even though he had been given the nickname "Bolle" by a family member, according to the vet's opinion, at almost 7kg he was by no means too fat for his size. I came to Anifit a bit "like a virgin to a child" - through a lot of hearsay, from my mother who had attended a lecture - then reading and ultimately the conviction that I wanted to give my dry food puppy a healthy diet, jus... Dear Anifit team, Basically, I never had the feeling that my cat Caspian had "a problem"... cats sleep a lot... and even though he had been given the nickname "Bolle" by a family member, according to... Read review

Salmon Oil (Lachsöl)

Essential fatty acids taken from nature 1 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
500 ml, 1 Piece € 41.48/l 20.74 €
50 ml, 1 Piece € 171.80/l 8.59 €
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process